Monday, May 16, 2011

you'll be the death of me i swear

I really wish that stuff was real.
I wish magic was real.
It would make life so much easier.
I just watched like 3 HArry Potter movies, Harry Potter is the best thing thats ever happened to the world. I love it with a passion. I've read all the books and seen all the movie. More than once too.
Wouldn't it be great if magic was real.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

We are insignificant

When everything is so much bigger than you, do you even matter?
When everything else is more important, why do you matter?
When you are 1 in 50 million, do you matter at all?
We are all insignificant.
When you look at the world around you, and then at yourself what do you see?
 In a sea of a thousand faces, mine doesn't matter. I don't matter in the end. Me, myself, and I we don't matter. It doesn't matter what I do, how i live, or who I am. It doesn't matter how I look, dress, or how much i eat. It doesn't matter, it doesn't.
So I'm done.
I'm done pretending I have a purpose in the end, so don't tell me I do.
I'm done saying im relevent, cause I'm completly and totally irrelevent.
But that doesn't mean I'll stop.
I'm still here.
Even if i dont matter, I'm still here.
I never left, and I never will.

I feel like im chasing the air.
Everything i want, slips out of reach before i grasp it.
I see it here, now over there.
Run, baby, run
Or I'll never get there.